
Live the experience in the jungle teaching or providing your services for a certain time. There are two ways to do this:

  • Working to solve health or social problems. People that can apply: Health professionals in all their specialties, sociologists, engineers, etc.
  • Training to deliver tools that allow them to earn income with their own work by maintaining their culture and remaining in their communities. People that can apply: All the people who wish to share their knowledge such as artists, embroiderers, seamstresses, carpenters, hairdressers, plumbers, etc.

Those interested may apply through info@amazongardenecolodge.com and they must undergo an internal selection process. Amazon Garden Ecolodge offers them free lodging and meals.

We believe that knowledge has significant value. We invite you to disseminate them and to create a positive relationship with communities, allowing you to better understand the richness of the Amazon and the importance of its conservation

+51 065 236140
+51-958 992 798 / +51-934971696